Crown & Bridge: Which Option Is Best For You?

With incredible efficiency and beautiful esthetics, all of your 32 natural teeth are designed to help you chew and smile with incredible efficiency and confidence. At Granada Dental, we’re thrilled that crowns and bridges were invented so that we can fully restore damaged and missing teeth to their maximum beauty and performance.

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With incredible efficiency and beautiful esthetics, all of your 32 natural teeth are designed to help you chew and smile with incredible efficiency and confidence. At Granada Dental, we’re thrilled that crowns and bridges were invented so that we can fully restore damaged and missing teeth to their maximum beauty and performance.

Sometimes, as a dentist in Sherwood Park, we can use crowns and bridges to prevent damage, more extensive and costly dental work, and even tooth loss.

For example, we run the risk of nerve damage if a larger filling deteriorates. This could even fracture the root. Every high-risk tooth needs preventive treatment to save you money and time … and the tooth itself!

What is a crown?

A crown (sometimes called a cap) can be made of stainless steel, gold, porcelain… They’re strong and generally last for about 10 years or longer if you take good care of them by keeping your usual, regular homecare routine.