Inlays & Onlays: Helping You Smile With Confidence!

A dazzling smile can ignite a room. It projects strength, confidence, and beauty.

For decades dentists have worked on ways to treat dental problems, and while esthetics were a concern, they didn’t always reach what we would consider beautiful. Restorations were primarily functional. But now, with the amazing advancements in dentistry and the art and science of restorations and the new materials available, we canprovide absolutely beautiful esthetics as well as change the way your teeth look, the way they function, and the way they feel – which means the way you feel!

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A dazzling smile can ignite a room. It projects strength, confidence, and beauty. For decades dentists have worked on ways to treat dental problems. But now we can provide beautiful esthetics as well as change the way your teeth look and the way you feel!

Because your mouth is one of the focal points of your face, it plays a major role in how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you.

  • Smiling is a universal way to communicate a full range of emotions.
  • Smiles are cross-cultural – they mean the same thing no matter what language we speak or from which culture we come. It’s the most easily recognized facial expression.
  • The average adult smiles upwards of 20 times a day (although we suspect that statistic is actually low). The average child smiles upwards of 400 times a day.